Penetration Testing as a Service

Identifying vulnerabilities to reduce risk and exposure

Our expert penetration testers conduct a real-world attack to breach your network. We use tactics, techniques, and tools used by hackers to compromise your systems, providing proof of concept and guided remediation to close all gaps.


Our penetration testing simulates a real-world attack on digital assets. We adopt a hacker’s perspective to detect and exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s environment with the aim to move laterally and compromise the entire IT infrastructure.



Our methodology follows the MITRE ATT&CK framework and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication (NIST-SP​-800-115), along with the latest Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures (TTPs) used by attackers.

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  • We gather information about ports, protocols, and services by scanning assets and discovering your attack surface.

Validate Vulnerabilities and Exposure Analysis

  • We identify vulnerabilities, flag false positives, and analyze all vulnerabilities based on their potential to be exploited and used maliciously against the organization.

Penetration Testing

  • We perform automated and manual penetration tests to exploit vulnerabilities by attempting to bypass existing security controls. We mimic a hacker’s stealth attack methods to gain an initial foothold, escalate privileges, and perform lateral movements without being detected.

Prioritize Vulnerabilities

  • We prioritize vulnerabilities based on weaponization and exploitability and tell you what to fix first.

Report and Synchronized Delivery

  • Our results are delivered through a Risk-based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) platform that can be easily integrated with your existing security tools and ticketing systems.

Learn more about CSW's penetration test services.

Benefits of Penetration Testing

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Know Your Exposure

  • We find the gaps, blind spots, misconfigurations, missing patches, coding errors, and critical weaknesses in your organization.

Know What to Fix First

  • We highlight vulnerabilities based on weaponization and exploitability. Knowing what to fix first reduces the burden on your security team.

Validated Results

  • We provide you with a validated list of vulnerabilities after eliminating the false positives to enable fast remediation.

Synchronized Results

  • We provide a synchronized delivery of results allowing our customers to view identified vulnerabilities within hours of commencing the assessment, thus enabling fast remediation. We present multiple threat scenarios and highlight strengths and vulnerabilities based on a collective analysis of all internal and external findings.

Compliance with Industry Standards

  • We help clients comply with industry standards such as ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, and SOC 2.

Support and Remediation

  • We provide comprehensive and prescriptive remediation with advisory details.

Why choose CSW’s Penetration Testing Service?



Quality and cost-effectiveness coexist and thrive at CSW. You get to build products and deliver services while we improve your security potential.



CSW focuses on the vulnerabilities that exist in your network and applications and provides more context to threats.


An Attacker's Mindset

Through focused tests on internal, external, cloud and application environments we will demonstrate how an attacker could penetrate and move inside your environment.


Actionable Intelligence

Prescriptive remediation guides provide precise information on how to fix and prioritize your vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing Resources


Talk to CSW’s team of experts to secure your landscape.

Schedule a free consultation
