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Predictions for 2022
#Corporate Board Governance

Check out predictions from Cybersecurity experts

2022 Predictions

Prediction #1


The future will see the inclusion of trusted cybersecurity advisors in organizations’ boards of directors, either as independent technical experts or through sub-committee provisions to improve oversight of the cybersecurity posture of digital ecosystems, which businesses will thrive on. by Shivanath Somanathan

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2021 Predictions

Prediction #1


In 2021 we will continue to see concerns about supply chain management and the management of risk when outsourcing. Location risk, geopolitical risks and reputational risk issues will be at the forefront along with cybersecurity risks, where adversaries will focus on the weakest link…the third and fourth party suppliers. by Catherine Allen

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Prediction #2


The combination of the pandemic, social unrest and geopolitical issues, such as climate change and the US elections, has caused corporate boards to focus more holistically on risk at the board level and to create risk committees of the board. We will see nonfinancial corporations add risk committees to their governance model in 2021. by Catherine Allen

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