Predictions for 2022
#Working from home
50+ cybersecurity experts, thought leaders, and professionals have shared their predictions about what would trend in the coming year.
What does 2022 have in store for the Cybersecurity industry?
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Check out predictions from Cybersecurity experts
2022 Predictions
Prediction #1

With more people preferring to continue working from home, an attack on any device connected to the home network can infect all devices on the network, thereby posing a threat to the organization's privacy and security. by Prakash Ram Gopalakrishnan
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2021 Predictions
Prediction #1

Working from home will increase the number of data breaches caused by insiders. With the reduced control organizations have on their workforce, mistakes by insiders can easily be made, resulting in unintentional data breaches. Still having a huge impact on business, organizations will have to increase their level of awareness among employees on this topic. by Jelle Wieringa
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