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Predictions for 2022
#Data Breach

Check out predictions from Cybersecurity experts

2022 Predictions

Prediction #1


Supply Chain Attacks: What started in 2020 will likely continue to intensify as threat actors go after vendors with poor cybersecurity controls. By breaching the security of the vendor and embedding malware into the vendor's digitally signed updates, threat actors will gain access to the vast number of clients of these vendors. Businesses will need to assess their third-party vendors for such risks and verify their vendors' cybersecurity controls. by Wai Kit Cheah

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2021 Predictions

Prediction #1


Very large fines will be levied on firms due to data breaches that compromise the privacy of customers / consumers. by George Do

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Prediction #2


With most people now working from home due to COVID-19, the number of reported data breaches will increase. Organizations have transitioned to a work from home situation deploying the same security strategies as they did while everyone was still safely in the office. Organizations will discover that these strategies are not, by definition, also suited for the changing work environment. by Jelle Wieringa

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